
March 2022


Have a runny nose? Eye irritation? Sore throat? Headache? Wheezing? Sneezing? If you are experiencing any of these or a combination of these; it is safe to assume you are being exposed to mold spores. Mold can be found in the dark and damp areas of your house or workplace. Mold spores from outside when released in air, find pathway to your homes, and in the right conditions, survive. Identifying mold is simple since it gives out a peculiar odor and is even visible. 

Getting rid of molds as soon as you recognize their breeding is always a good option. They can spread like wildfire through enough moisture and oxygen. However, dealing with mold contamination by yourself can be risky; therefore, hiring reliable services like Multisinistres Decontamination is always a good idea. 

Here are a few health risks associated with mold contamination-

Usually mold causes basic allergies, but with people having other health complications, mold can be a little more dangerous. 

1] Infections

Mostly people can inhale mold and be fine without experiencing any complication, but people having underlying issues like asthma, Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD), compromised immune system, cystic fibrosis, tuberculosis can catch infections. A few common infections include-

  • a) Aspergillosis: experience fever, weakness, discomfort, and in severe cases, cough with blood.
  • b) Histoplasmosis: fever, dry cough, chest pain, joint pain, red bumps on your lower legs are a few symptoms. In severe cases, symptoms may include excessive sweating, shortness of breath etc.
  • c) Sporotrichosis: experience a small bump that can be red, pink, or purple; which may be painful to touch. It can turn to an ulcer if not treated in time.
  • d) Valley fever (Coccidioidomycosis): one may experience loss of appetite, shortness of breath, weight loss etc. 

2] Asthma

Prolonged exposure to molds can trigger asthma attacks in patients of asthma and may lead to initiation of asthma in young children. 

 3] Pneumonitis

This is a more severe reaction to mold exposure. It causes an inflammation of the lungs. 

Apart from this, general discomfort, headaches are a few common issues. Minor molds can be dealt with by using commercial products, keeping windows open, wearing a face mask. But in case of widespread mold, which is not reachable, it is better to seek professional help. 

Mold may not always be dangerous but it is always better to live hygienically and avoid every cause that might harm your health.  

Hearing tests are a crucial part of children’s health evaluation. Hearing is a very important function that is related to the psychological development of a child in a very intricate manner. 

Children with hearing disabilities or abnormalities may develop certain psychological problems; however, this is not always the case.

This article sheds light on everything that you should know about hearing tests and evaluations for kids. Let’s begin!

Pediatric evaluation

Children’s hearing tests should be conducted right after birth and should be a part of their pediatric evaluation from nine months until four years. If problems persist, the evaluation should continue. 

In early infancy, children’s hearing abilities are assessed by audiologists who use visual reinforcement techniques or play-based techniques because children cannot understand language at this point. 

When they get older, the audiologists start using more advanced techniques and equipment. 

Common Misunderstandings Regarding Children’s Hearing Abilities

  • It is commonly misunderstood that children with hearing problems are psychologically underdeveloped. If a child is deaf, he or she can still live a healthy life and communicate with others through other means. 
  • People often assume that if children are having fun with toys that they are normal. In many cases, children are having fun with sound toys and yet have major hearing problems. 

Hearing Tests for Infants

There are two major types of tests that are used to assess infants’ hearing abilities.

  • Evoked Otoacoustic Emissions (EOAE)

In this test, a small plug is inserted into the infant’s ear, which records otoacoustic emissions in the baby’s ear when exposed to external sounds. There is a normal level of these otoacoustic responses. If an infant is deaf, there would be zero otoacoustic responses. 

  • Auditory Brainstem Response (ABR)

This is a neurological test where an electrode is connected to the baby’s head while the baby is sleeping. The electrode measures and records the brain activity of the infant in response to external sounds. This test is typically applied within three months of the baby’s birth.

Hearing Tests for Toddlers

  • Play Audiometry 

This test involves sound toys that are designed in a way that a toddler can play with them, and it can measure the toddler’s aural responses at the same time. It relies on the level of engagement and interest from the kid’s side. 

  • Visual Reinforcement Audiometry

In this type of children’s hearing test, hearing is assessed by how accurately a child can point out a source of the sound. The sound sources are often made in the form of toys or flashing lights that can grab the child’s attention.


Children cannot express hearing issues and if you suspect that your child is having hearing problems, go for a children’s hearing test right away. Experts at clinics like Audiologie can tell which hearing tests are best for your child depending on the nature of the suspected hearing problem.

People often mix the two medications in order to boost the effects of Valium, completely oblivious to the dangers of doing so. It is never suggested to combine these two medications since, in addition to the many health hazards (which are stated below), it may be deadly.

When Valium is used with alcohol, it may result in sleepiness, dizziness, poor motor coordination, memory issues, and trouble breathing, as well as loss of consciousness and brain damage, among other side effects. drinking on valium has been shown to significantly increase the effects of alcohol in circulation. When this happens, it produces a euphoric experience, which may lead to recurrent addiction of both narcotics taken together. This also raises the likelihood of an overdose occurring.

The Side Effects of Valium and Alcohol are Compared

When taken excessively, valium and alcohol both offer soothing benefits, but they can have a variety of harmful side effects when used improperly. Depending on the individual and the amount taken, as well as the user’s general health, these side effects might manifest themselves in different ways. In the event that you have a prescription for Valium, you should only take the specified amount and adhere to your doctor’s recommendations.

It is also possible to develop behavioral or social difficulties as a consequence of abusing these two drugs, such as sadness and separation from one’s family. Those who misuse these drugs may also encounter difficulties at work and in their financial situations in certain circumstances.

Helping Someone Who Is Suffering From Substance Abuse

You can get assist you in your recovery if you are struggling with an addiction to Valium and alcohol, either as separate drugs or in combination with other narcotics. A number of places for the Recovery Village may be found around the nation. Each institution provides a variety of tailored treatment programs and is staffed by a team of medical experts that are both skilled and sympathetic.