As the prevalence of hearing loss and impairment in babies increases, neonatal hearing screening has become crucially important. Research suggests that two out of every 1000 babies are born with permanent hearing impairment. Such hearing impairment can be in one or both ears, so getting a hearing assessment for your baby is essential in order to figure out the nature of the hearing problem(s). 

Hearing impairment in one ear of a baby is hard to detect because, typically, people confuse it with low hearing efficiency. Early management of hearing impairment can help a child adjust well in the future. Otherwise, hearing loss can impair a child’s development and adjustability in society. 

Why Is It important?

Neonatal hearing screening is essential both for physical and mental health. Hearing is directly related to all aspects of life. Children with hearing disabilities may have a comorbid communicational disorder that may lead to further mental health problems. 

When hearing loss is detected at an early age, the child gets a chance at learning language and communication through visual aids. A therapist can apply various programs and techniques to ensure the child learns to speak even if they cannot hear. They develop bonding with other children like them and understand how to interact effectively.

Your baby needs to be appropriately tested immediately after birth and throughout their childhood. If not treated in early childhood, hearing problems may become chronic and even incurable. Parents are recommended to seek hearing screening at Audiology Centre West or go for any other professional audiology services that are specialized in handling newly born babies. 

If you properly screen your child’s hearing in early childhood, your child will perform better at school, communicate well with others, and get along with their peers and society. 


Intervention services regarding your baby’s hearing health should begin at or before six months. Some hearing interventions that parents should keep in mind and seek out include:

  • Seeking the help of trained professional audiologists specializing in dealing with neonatal hearing problems.
  • Seeking assistance from mental health professionals to help their child with communication. 
  • Joining family support groups
  • Joining family support groups.
  • Other options include hearing aids, cochlear implants, and assistive devices.


An impaired sense of hearing can deprive babies of many environmental cues. Early hearing assessment for babies is a must because they can’t express their hearing issues like adults. This inability to tell about their hearing efficiency makes the caregivers responsible for getting them assessed.

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